First Look: Quarries of Scred by Darkest Kale
Quarries of Scred by NobleKale
Played by Sea Otter
Sea Otter gets crushed by a ton of rocks in Quarries of Scred, by Noble Kale. Web page: Store Page: Email: Twitter: @SeaOtterGamer Title: Quarries of Scred Developer: Noble Kale System: PC/Steam Year: 2013 Permission to Monetize: ] Please feel free to play Quarries of Scred on your Stream, or in any video you may create. I'd appreciate a link to in the video description, as well as to the page ( so your viewers can purchase with ease. Please feel free to contact me via @darkestkale if you'd like to arrange a download key. The Royalty-Free music used in intro is Hollow Night by TeknoAxe. Direct link to this file and terms can be found at Thanks!
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