Indie Game of the Week - Shelter 2
Shelter 2 by Might and Delight
Played by Martyr
Its time to have our hearts broken all over again. Living the beautiful but dangerous life of an animal living in nature. Shelter 2 from Might and Delight puts us in the role of a Mother Lynx. With 4 hungry cubs that need your guidance and protection at all times. This time things are a bit different though from the first Shelter. There is a massive sprawling forest for you to explore with your cubs. Also plenty of game to hunt. The Lynx is a fierce animal that is capable of bringing down large deer. However you may be the hunter by day but at night you are the hunted. Rabid wolves would love to nibble your cute cubs. Can you protect them? With breath taking art, music and flawlessly done gameplay. You can easily see why I choose to delay Indie Game of the Week to today. Let's Play Shelter 2! Big thanks to the developer for a chance to play this game! If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to subscribe, like and share for more future videos and it really helps me out! Thanks for watching. Steam: Game: Developer: Subscribe to my channel for more gaming action! Follow me on Twitter Steam Curator List: If you enjoyed this please hit the like button! That would be spiffy!
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