Let's Play FTL Ep. 5 - Automate all the things!
FTL: Faster Than Light by Subset Games
Played by Sea Otter
Sea Otter kills salvages some awesome weapons and upgrades his shields. Web page: Http://FTLGame.com Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/212680/ Email: SeaOtterGamer@Gmail.com Twitter: @SeaOtterGamer Title: Faster Than Light (Advanced Edition) Developer: Subset Games System: PC/Steam Year: 2012 Permission to Monetize: http://www.ftlgame.com/?p=388 "We, Subset Games, hereby declare that all YouTube users have our permission to run advertisements for the purpose of monetization on their videos of our game, FTL: Faster Than Light. - Justin Ma & Matthew Davis (founders)"
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